Cee's Photo Challenge

Turquoise – is it blue or green?

What colour is teal, or turquoise?  Do you see them as more of the green shades, or more blue? This week’s topic for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, is the colour teal or turquoise.

This I must say, was fun, since I do adore these shades of blue and green. When I think of these beautiful colours, I immediately think of the sky and water.

Here is my selection for teal or turquoise:

Beautiful sky and beautiful sea.
Beautiful sky and beautiful sea in a display of turquoise.
Other than cropping this photo, I made no other changes. This shade of teal is just gorgeous!
Other than cropping this photo, I made no other changes. This shade of teal is just gorgeous!
Vibrant prayer flags with a stunning clear sky as a backdrop
Vibrant prayer flags with a stunning clear sky as a backdrop

12 thoughts on “Turquoise – is it blue or green?

      1. Hi Nafeiza, Thank you for asking. Which photo in particular is it? I have no problem with you using it for your personal use, and also, please include a link back to the source (gfchopstix).


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